As a professional, I understand the importance of creating content that is both informative and optimized for search engines. One topic that is often asked is the law relating to minors` agreements. In this article, I will explain the law relating to minors` agreements, including what an agreement is, the rules regarding minors` capacity to enter into agreements, and the consequences of an agreement with a minor.

What is an agreement?

An agreement is a legally binding contract formed between two or more parties who have mutual obligations and rights. In general, as per the Indian Contract Act, 1872, all individuals or entities who are capable of entering into a contract can do so.

In order for a contract to be legally enforceable, all parties must be competent to enter into the agreement. That is, they must have the capacity to understand the terms of the contract and the consequences of entering into it. This includes being of a certain age, mental capacity, and not being under any undue influence.

Rules Regarding Minors` Capacity to Enter into Agreements

In India, a person is considered a minor until the age of 18 years. The Indian Contract Act has certain provisions that govern minors` ability to enter into agreements. According to Section 11 of the Act, any agreement made with a minor is void ab initio, which means that it is null and void from the outset.

The rationale behind this law is that minors are not legally capable of entering into contracts because they are considered to lack the necessary understanding and judgment to do so. Minors are often deemed to be irresponsible and vulnerable, and the law seeks to protect them from being taken advantage of in contractual agreements.

Exceptions to the Rule

However, there are certain exceptions to the rule that agreements with minors are void. These exceptions include:

1. Agreement for necessary goods and services: If a minor enters into an agreement for necessary goods and services, such as food, clothing, and medical treatment, the agreement is considered valid. However, the minor must pay a reasonable price for the goods or services rendered.

2. Agreement for educational or beneficial services: If a minor enters into an agreement for educational or beneficial services, such as taking a course or membership in a library, the agreement is considered valid.

3. Agreement for employment: A minor can enter into a contract of employment, but the contract must be for a reasonable period and a reasonable salary. Additionally, the contract must not violate any labor laws.

Consequences of an Agreement with a Minor

If an adult enters into an agreement with a minor that is not covered by the exceptions mentioned earlier, the contract is void and unenforceable. This means that the adult cannot legally hold the minor accountable for any breach of contract.

However, the minor may still be held liable for any damages caused to the adult. For example, if a minor causes damage to an adult`s property, the minor may be held responsible for the cost of repair or replacement.


In conclusion, the law relating to minors` agreements is clear. Minors are not legally capable of entering into contracts, with a few exceptions. Any agreement made with a minor that is not covered by the exceptions is void and unenforceable. It is essential for adults to be aware of this law when entering into agreements with minors to avoid any legal complications.

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