The Taif Agreement, which is also known as the Taif Accord, is an important political agreement that was signed in Taif, Saudi Arabia in 1989. It marks a significant turning point in the history of Lebanon, as it helped to bring an end to the long and bloody Lebanese Civil War that had been ongoing for over 15 years. The Taif Agreement was signed by all of the major Lebanese political factions, although the agreement was ultimately brokered by the Saudi government.

One of the interesting things about the Taif Agreement is that it was written in both Arabic and French, which are the two official languages of Lebanon. This was done in order to ensure that all Lebanese citizens would be able to read and understand the terms of the agreement, regardless of their linguistic background. The Arabic version of the Taif Agreement is widely available online in PDF format, and it is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in understanding the political history of Lebanon.

The Taif Agreement is a comprehensive document that covers a wide range of issues related to Lebanese politics and governance. One of the key provisions of the agreement is the establishment of a new power-sharing arrangement between Lebanon`s different sectarian groups. This arrangement aims to balance the power of Lebanon`s various religious communities, including the Maronite Christians, Sunni Muslims, Shia Muslims, and Druze.

The Taif Agreement also established a new framework for the Lebanese government, which reduced the power of the presidency and gave more authority to the parliament. In addition, the agreement created a new system for electing the president, which aimed to ensure that the position would be filled in a more balanced and equitable manner.

Overall, the Taif Agreement is a critical piece of Lebanese history, and the Arabic version of the document is an important resource for anyone who is interested in learning more about this complex and challenging period in Lebanese politics. Whether you are a researcher, a journalist, or just a curious citizen, the Taif Agreement in Arabic is definitely worth reading.

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